
Approach toward compliance

Our Group strives to ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of the importance of compliance with laws and regulations, and also encourages them to make decisions and take actions based on common sense, enhance fairness and transparency of management, and ensure that decision-making and execution are accurate and prompt. We regard these as important management issues.
 Our Group has established the “Ultrafabrics Group Code of Conduct” as guidelines for the conduct of its officers and employees.

Compliance promotion system

Our company has established the Legal & Compliance Dept. as the department in charge of compliance, which manages the prevention of legal violations and conducts compliance education.
 The Legal & Compliance Dept. works closely with the Legal & Compliance Dept. of Daiichi Kasei and the Human Resources & Legal of Ultrafabrics, and also shares information with the Internal Audit Office, which serves as the secretariat for the Audit & Supervisory Committee, to promote compliance throughout our Group.
 As for education, compliance training is conducted as appropriate, and compliance-related topics are taken up at internal plenary meetings to raise employees’ compliance awareness.

Internal reporting system

Our Group has established an internal reporting system for the purpose of legal compliance, prevention and early detection of fraudulent acts including corruption, and promotion of self-purification. Our company and Daiichi Kasei have established an internal contact point in the Legal & Compliance Dept. to receive reports from employees, etc., and Ultrafabrics has established a contact point for internal reporting in the Human Resources Department, thereby collecting information related to internal reporting within the Group at our company’s Legal & Compliance Dept. In addition, each company has requested an external lawyer to act as an external contact. These contact points are posted on the intranet and in the company cafeteria to inform employees.
 We investigate the facts of matters reported and if any fraudulent act is found, corrective and preventive measures are promptly implemented. Employees who are involved can be disciplined in accordance with the Employee Policies and Procedures, etc. Regarding whistleblowers, we ensure their anonymity, and prohibit any disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers based on their reports, protect whistleblowers by taking appropriate measures to prevent deterioration of their work environment, and endeavor to notify whistleblowers of the results of corrective actions if they so desire.


“Ultrafabrics Group Code of Conduct” stipulates our approach toward anticorruption. As a specific measure, we check the appropriateness of the recipient, amount, and content in the notification of entertainment and gifts and in the system management of expenses and expenditures.

Information Security Policy

Our Group has established the “Group’s Personal Information Protection Policies and Procedures” and “Information System Operational Management Regulations” to stipulate policies for the protection and appropriate handling of personal information and other confidential information, and has conducted targeted attack e-mail training and e-learning on information security.