Our Group has established a “Sustainability Committee” to promote the resolution of issues in each key area. The committee is chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer, a member of the Board of Directors, and includes the executive officers of relevant divisions. The committee formulates basic policies for promoting sustainability, draws up policies, targets, and promotion plans for addressing important issues in each area, and oversees and evaluates the progress of activities. Based on the policies and targets determined by the committee, each member implements the plans in their respective divisions.
The status of the committee’s activities and the challenges it is addressing are reported at follow-up meetings of the Medium-Term Management Plan attended by executives from our company and each subsidiary. In addition, particularly important issues are discussed by the Board of Directors, and the decisions are reflected in the committee’s activity policy as well as in the policies, measures, financial targets, etc., of the Medium-Term Management Plan. Furthermore, through the mechanism of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, our management team oversees and supervises the activities of this committee.